Messages from people who have emailed me longer comments. Thank you for your wonderful and kind words....
7/10/2018 19:17 Pepe, I have followed your blog with interest since it started. To learn in this post that extensive public money has been spent to further wage this unjustifiable 'war' against you, is beyond shocking. There appears to be a consistent theme of collusion and bullying from the very organisations that should be there to protect dedicated teachers like you. Do the people who fund these organisations know how their money is being spent? Do they know that allegations are suctioned out of their emails willy-nilly and hurled into the ether with such venom? That they concoct one new allegation from a scenario, just because the latest one has been disproved? Do they know that 'so-say' witnesses are being used as pawns to cover the backs of individuals who have inadvertently got the 'bit between their teeth' and don't have the courage or integrity to stand down. WHEN IS THIS GOING TO STOP??? When will these bullies move on to their next victim and give you back your life? I long for the blog entry that announces you are back doing what you do best - educating, nurturing and supporting children - and that a new chapter of your life is beginning. No one deserves what you are still being dragged through but as you continue to evidence your honesty and transparency, then those other individuals are looking more and more corrupt Stay strong and true! There's no co-incidence that you're wearing bubbles... they ooze from within! Emma
2/07/2018 11.49 Again your post resonates a positivity through beautiful words and quotes, that few would possess under the circumstances. The horror that you have faced and are still experiencing would be too much for many people to bear, but their actions only go to emphasise the strengths and qualities that I so admire in you. You are a warrior...a truly inspirational role model, who continues to conduct themselves with dignity and courage, despite being the victim of bullying (as proven by the defamation case that you have already won) and not the perpetrator of it.
I continue to be amazed that professional bodies, responsible for the education of our children, are permitted to conduct themselves in this way with no 'outside' intervention. There seems to be a very closed society that exists within the various teaching Unions and no truly 'independent' review process in place.
Where I wonder has Sir David Carter been during this entire omni-shambles. As National Schools Commissioner, one might have assumed that a travesty of this scale, had come to his attention. Whilst I appreciate that he will step down from his role at the end of August 2018, we are only at the beginning of July, and this has been rumbling along since 2015. How can someone quoted as saying “Over the past four years, it has been a pleasure to work with so many passionate, talented people who are working tirelessly to improve schools and raise standards for children", allow the Head teacher who became a Pride of Britain winner to be treated in this way?
Quite frankly it smacks of institutional bullying and without an independent review ( and when I say independent ..... I mean conducted by someone outside of the incestuous Union dynamic at work here), the truth will never claw its way to the surface, accountability will be lost and lessons will never be learnt.
There is of course that chink of light Pepe Hart....a ray of hope if you prefer. You have not been beaten yet, and you are continuing to fight for the truth with a veracity that is more than admirable. You live this fight 24/7......this is not a job for is your life. The anonymous 'they' have (it would seem), nothing to lose.....'they' get to go home at night and switch off...'they' don't even have to bear the financial responsibility for this particular fight like you do, their particular burden is probably paid by the taxpayers.
What happens when you win and 'they' become accountable. Each and every one of them....culpable for their part in it. Perhaps we will then get our 'independent' review, and through the lessons learnt from this, an education system fit for every child where bullying is frowned upon at every level.
Hold your head up high my friend. Laura xx
22/01/2018 15.33 Pepe, you can't believe how pleased I am to see your face. I didn't know how to get in touch and send you my support in those dark days - you were a ray of sunshine ( I still hope you are!). debx
22/01/2018 23.26 I'm go glad Pepe is finally getting to tell her side of the story and I'm very proud of my sister for always doing the right thing and supporting her through that mega shit storm even though it ment massive changes for her and her family aswell 💖 The legacy of what Trinity was lives on in many staff, parents, pupils and even just visitors to the school and it's about time Pepes voice was heard. What a sad waste of a fantastic school lead by a dynamic, different and brave head teacher. #weloveyouPepeHart 💙 Anna Rodgers
22/01/2018 8.41 Gorgeous Pepe.... that is one of the most beautiful things I have ever read!!!!!!! I had tears in my eyes right from the very beginning... your passion for what you do Pepe, is truly infectious and comes across in every word of your blog. You are a true inspiration to me AND SO MANY OTHERS!!!!! I’m so, so proud of you!! I feel so lucky that I get to call myself a teacher, alongside someone as incredible as you (even though I have no classroom) and share your feelings of privilege, respect and honour about what teaching little people can do!!!!! You are a beautiful person inside and out and so many people (those you know and those you don’t) will be so touched by your amazing words. Thank you for sharing. BIG love xxxxx Amy P
23/01/2018 10.27 I am delighted that at long last Pepe is able to tell her story...and what an incredible story it is! Throughout her time as headteacher, Pepe Hart adopted an ‘open door’ policy. Parents and other visitors were always welcomed at any time and without appointment so they, as did I, always saw the school as it really was. Nothing was hidden. Year 5 or 6 children always showed any visitors around and would speak honestly about the school, its staff and their experiences.
Under Pepe's leadership, the school’s reputation grew rapidly. Pupil numbers grew as parents from areas other than the school’s local vicinity recognised the outstanding educational provision on offer and transferred their children.
Every person visiting remarked on the wonderful ethos and atmosphere that pervaded the school Trinity was a unique place where every child was cared for deeply and valued as an individual. A calm safe learning environment had been created in which children were encouraged to flourish. It was a remarkably happy place and children, without any prompting, would express their joy of being a part of Trinity. Parents and others were always welcome and were always considered to part of the Trinity family.
As a black woman in an almost exclusively white British socially deprived area Pepe has transformed the thinking of many of the families, encouraging them, while respecting differences, to treat every person equally. She is honest and open and always encouraged this within the school community.
Pepe Hart has exceptional leadership skills, which through ‘hands on’ role modelling and example enabled her to encourage staff to achieve very high standards. She was credited in the Ofsted report for the way in which poor teaching had been eradicated. Pepe worked tirelessly to build up excellent relations within the local community working with community groups, local councillors and MPs.
She treated everyone with the utmost respect; every person, whether adult or child, mattered immensely to her. Pepe Hart has the most amazing ‘can do, will do’ attitude and her track record of changing perceptions and achieving what others thought impossible, is there for all to see. Paul M
23/01/2018 15.21 I have had the privilege of knowing you for many years, and it is absolutely heartbreaking to have seen the vitriolic campaign that was launched against you, and the life changing effect that this has had on you and your family.
We are constantly bombarded in the media, with talk of a lack of strong female role models, and yet when we find someone actually worthy of that title, we allow them to become a target of endemic bullying. If we can acknowledge that bullying is widely known to be one of the most damaging of 'childhood' problems, how can those involved, those responsible for the education of our young people, allow this to happen to someone who should be admired. Could it be that the very different approach to learning and education, that earned you the Pride of Britain award, made them feel in some way inadequate, and rather than being inspired it shone a light on their own lack of imagination and insecurity?
For those who have been party to the processes and engineering of this monstrous omni-shambles, you should be ashamed. You have deprived so many children of the experience of learning with this inspiring individual. Yes, individual....because there isn't another like her. Endemic bullying is wrong at any level.
I am very fortunate, as are my girls, because we have that strong female role model in our lives and I am proud to call her my friend.
I know how you love a quote, so I will share one with you : “My past has not defined me, destroyed me, deterred me, or defeated me; it has only strengthened me.”
― Steve Maraboli, Unapologetically You: Reflections on Life and the Human Experience
Laura L
23/01/2018 22.56 Love this blog, love this lady! Pepe you should be so proud of yourself. You have strength, determination and fight like no other! You really are made of super strong stuff.
I have ultimate respect for you Pepe and have been inspired and touched by you in so many ways.
You are not only a person of integrity, you are loyal, honest, reliable and professional. I loved working alongside you for ten years as your deputy. Your dedication to education was exemplary. You brought fun, laughter and life to any room you walked into. The children adored you and will always remember you. Pepe, your infectious smile, laugh and singing has inspired hundreds of children through your creative curriculum to believe in themselves and follow their dreams. My own two children were privileged to have you as their head teacher and often speak fondly of you, remembering so many special times.
You are energetic, enthusiastic, dependable and most importantly caring and compassionate. You continuously went ‘the extra mile’ to help and support the children and families in your care. You have personally helped and supported so many families in their hour of need. This included accompanying families with dentist, doctors and hospital visits, as well as offering pastoral support over marriage separations, domestic violence and terminal illnesses. The time, love and care you showed these families was overwhelming. Pepe never forget that you are a special, unique and a formidable person who has touched the lives of so many people.
You led by example, no chore was beneath you. You demonstrated, led and modelled how to be Outstanding. People that are confident in themselves, thrived and developed on this. Myself being one of them. You have drive, determination and vision, are relentless, hardworking and one of the most caring people I know. I have witnessed this first hand over the ten years of working alongside her, including three memorable trips to Romania doing voluntary work.
I am so incredibly proud of you Pepe and feel privileged to have worked alongside you. This has taught you so much including the power of true friendship! I have and will always support you 100% as do so many others. Keep reaching for the stars and ‘believing in yourself.’ I am so excited to see and be part of your future pathways and know you have so much more to offer. Watch this space, exciting times ahead. Much love always. Your loyal friend, Becki xxx Ps. I laughed out loud when I read about the spray tan! Remember this so vividly!!!! 😂😂💙❤️❤️
25/01/2018 17.52 After 2 years of suffering a campaign of injustices it is time that Pepe put the record straight.
It is a heart breaking account, which has shocked her family, friends and colleagues.
She had worked hard as a teacher and a head, which has been demonstrated by her achievements, which were recognised by many awards.
We have known her for many years and we recognised from our first meeting what a remarkable person she is.
She is always concerned to do the right thing in all circumstances and can cope with any situation and will fight to achieve the best outcome for all.
We have visited the school to take part in many events and the staff and children were always happy and motivated.
Her aim was to do the best for the children so that they could achieve their full potential. Parents realised her abilities, which is why more applied for their children to start at her
school than there were places available.
Her achievements in raising the school's high standards are demonstrated by the outstanding Ofsted results.
Always thinking about you.
M and D.
26/01/2018 15.53 Pepe Hart is a gifted, skilled, inspirational and committed head teacher who unwaveringly ensured all her pupils received the best education possible, underpinned by encouraging appropriate self believe in children to allow them to pursue, and realise, their goals and dreams in life. These are not just my views but those endorsed by multiple OFSTED inspectors who repeatedly graded her school as “outstanding” placing her institution in an inner city area in the top 10% in the country, the national judging panel of The Pride of Britain awards who honoured her with the Teacher of the year accolade and the committee of the Diana anti-bullying award. Pepe’s achievements were such for her to receive thanks from the former Prime Minister, Gordon Brown, delivered to her personally in Downing Street on her commitment and achievements in education.
I have known Pepe for over 25 years. She is an individual who works many hours, above and beyond those she receives remuneration for, to ensure all the children she is responsible for receive the highest quality education, delivered in a manner centred on the individual pupil. Pepe will never take the credit for the successes she has achieved, but refer to the commitment of her teachers, classroom assistants, administrative staff, school governors and the local community. Pepe when she talks about her job has never said she “teaches a class of say 30 pupils”, but subconsciously describes teaching a group of 30 different and individual children all of whom deserve “the best chance in life”. I believe the latter was the quote she gave when receiving the UK Teacher of the Year award. For each child Pepe teaches, she identifies their strengths and consolidates these, but diplomatically appreciates their limitations and through effort and patience shows children how these can be overcome. This approach produces results. Pepe has received many comments from previous pupils who informed her she gave them a chance in life. I really wish, although obviously it can never happen, a survey could be conducted of her former pupils, which I am sure would overwhelmingly show how Pepe was an effective and inspirational teacher.
These comments are easy to write if not backed up by evidence. If this is needed, who better to judge than relatives and parents of the children themselves? If these statements were false, I think it is unlikely the events that Pepe and her team arranged for relatives of pupils would have been so popular and valued. Would many other schools have organised Mother’s Days Parades, parents and children’s sports days and evenings for grandparents to proudly watch their grandchildren perform in musical evenings. I have spoken to several who attended such events who endorsed how these benefited the children. Fulfilment of the prime aims of the teaching curriculum is the core to Pepe’s teaching philosophy. However, pupils importantly gain an appreciation of what they can contribute to society as individuals and an awareness of the disadvantages others have. Pepe and her team organised regular visits to help and contribute to improving the lives of children In Romanian orphanages. Only the best teachers would be able to ensure her pupils would be able to deal with, and feel they could make a meaningful contribution to such disadvantaged children, in such a difficult environment. Several years ago Pepe, was asked by her educational authority to contribute to improving the standards in a poorly performing school, in addition to her existing job. I can only assume that they would have made this decision to utilise her skills based on their assessment of her after many years of observing the effectiveness of teams she leads.
Two years ago, Pepe felt the need to resign from her role as head, due to negative comments on her as head. Her decision to resign was based on ensuring that the school she had committed to over 10 years was not affected by such negative publicity. As per her character she had no thought for herself in making this decision. Since then the barrage of misinformation directed against her by a small group of people would have sunk most people. However, as Pepe has herself acknowledged, with the support of her husband, family, friends, former teachers and pupils and parents, she is bit by bit showing these accusations were both false and malicious. These people need to reflect on what they have done.
27/01/2018 11.47 I have been involved in education for over eleven years teaching in a number of schools the South west of England. I can whole-heartedly say nothing compares to the extremely positive times I had at both Dundry and the Academy of Trinity. I joined the Dove trust in September 2015 starting out at Dundry Primary school as the PPA teacher, before moving across to Trinity as the Year one teacher.
I have also known Pepe for a number of years, she has always remained consistent with a happy disposition.
From the moment I joined, Pepe, made me feel welcome and I instantly felt like I was walking into a supportive family environment – a feeling that I believe was shared by every member of staff based on my first-hand experience of how they were treated and indeed how they reacted. I can recall a teacher who had left Trinity but then returned after working in another school. She said working at Trinity was like having an extended family and other staff mentioning that team ethos that makes Trinity special. Furthermore, in group-based staff activities I witnessed every member of staff being given support and encouragement when necessary – the majority of this support and optimism came from Pepe. As a result of this nurturing and upbeat environment which was clearly reflected in the children’s attitudes, I settled in quickly and adapted to my new surroundings.
Pepe went above and beyond to ensure that every member of her teaching team was fully supported. Pepe has an incredibly caring nature and enthusiasm that brings joy and happiness where ever she goes. It’s this passion that was evident in school and poured out into the community. Children and parents adored Pepe. During my time at the school I witnessed numerous encounters with parents. She was always willing to give up her time and support parents, staff and children with any issues they had. Pepe was the most personable, passionate, and dedicated and caring Head teacher I have worked under. The level of support she gave, was second to none. She was a beacon of light for the community, providing happiness, laughter and fun.
I for one took away a whole host of inspiration and ideas from staff meetings and found them to be incredibly helpful.
I have never before worked at schools where so much was done for the children. From the fantastic, happy experiences such as the Christmas ‘Ride to Lapland’ where Mrs Hart went above and beyond to organise reindeer to turn up at both schools – seeing the children’s faces full of glee was a real joy. To trips that Pepe inspired and encouraged such as Harry Potter World in Watford and Matilda in the West End – all of this fantastic extra-curricular activity for the children in the space of just one term was incredible to see and was a brilliant example of what first-class teaching is all about. As staff we were encouraged to think differently and cater for all children’s needs. In addition, the day-to-day running of the school can only be described as incredibly fun, enjoyable and a family-orientated environment that was there for children to not only learn, but also give them everything they needed to have a happy and stable school life. Every child was celebrated because Mrs Hart instilled the ethos of ‘Making People Feel Good’. She encouraged me to recognise and reward the achievements of the children in my class on a weekly basis. This consisted of presenting an array of different awards such as ‘invincibles’ – those children in other schools who may become invisible because they always do the right thing. This level of reward and recognition to make children feel good is something I have not witnessed in any of the other schools I have worked in. The children were her priority but she enabled staff to make this happen.
In conclusion, I will reiterate my point that in all my years of teaching, I have never worked for a Head teacher that is more caring, more optimistic and more passionate, than Pepe. She has done more for the children, parents and staff in her care than anyone I have witnessed before and I find it absolute travesty that her well-earned and long-respected reputations has been unduly tarnished in this way. Pepe brought enthusiasm and passion to a community and it’s this love and passion that has made her a target for others
In every school, I have worked in, they have set high expectations and Trinity was no different. Pepe always set out to provide the best for the children in her care. Josh R
12/02/2018 21:05 So good to at last hear Pepe’s words and the truth. My children loved attending Trinity when she was the headteacher there, no two days being the same and the amazing opportunities they were given. I was always jealous of the things they got up to at school, I never experienced anything like it when I was that age!! From theatre trips, whole School tobogganing adventures, visits to ‘Lapland’ every Christmas to see real reindeers and a very memorable visit to Romania to visit those less fortunate than ourselves, where the children got to see first hand where the monies they had worked hard to raise, is spent to benefit others.
Everything done by Pepe was for the children and they always came first, she often put her own family life second to help those who needed her at Trinity first.
I hope those that believed all the lies that were spoken about Pepe will read her words and think differently now, and see that without her, Trinity is now just another school, no different to any other around and that due to a hate campaign on social media it’s the children that have lost out in the long run! Caley Williams
6/3/2018 09:54 Pepe is a dedicated headteacher whose enthusiasm for every aspect of her work is obvious to anyone who meets her. She is passionate about the need to offer every child in her care the opportunities to fully develop their talents.
Throughout her career, both as teacher and headteacher, her outstanding leadership qualities have been acknowledged by parents and professional colleagues. She has the ability to inspire others so that the whole school community is able to thrive.
Having known Pepe for several years, we are aware of her complete commitment to every aspect of education and of her belief that all children deserve equal opportunities to achieve success.
We learnt with great sadness of her decision to resign. Dorothy and Lennie
8/03/2018 10:57 I am so pleased that this blog has become a vehicle for you to receive the widespread support that you deserve, and the reassurance of having made a positive difference to so many.
Like all of the things that you do, it is full of passion, honesty, humour, enthusiasm and openness, portraying all of the qualities I have valued in you as a friend.
It is in complete contrast to those who have sought to undermine, bully and betray you....hiding in plain sight within schools, Unions and local government offices.....the places where "Grown Ups" are meant to be.
It would be naive of us as readers to think that even now you are able to write your blog without constraint. 'They'....whoever 'they' may be, and I have no doubt that 'they' will be reading it too......should be ashamed. With the privilege of anonymity, they have stolen a special gift from each child, that could have benefited from your enthusiastic, often completely bonkers but certainly never dull, type of education and leadership.
Beyond that, we are left with these 'Grown Ups' still in positions of power believing themselves to be untouchable. Sadly so far it has proved to be true.....despite their court apologies and the significant financial costs (which never impact on them personally I might add), they continue to be in post. Why ? How are they not accountable for their actions?
We can all read this blog and feel horrified that this level of endemic bullying exists within our education system. Some of us will have seen the heartbreak that this has caused first hand. But there will be some, who read this blog for a different reason. They will be the 'Grown-Ups' I mentioned earlier.....the ones that hide in their offices and read each post not to try and understand the story, because they already know it. They are reading each post to see if 'they' will finally be see if 'they' will be forced to take responsibility for their part in the 'downfall' that they so joyously engineered.
Its the story of the Butcher, a Baker and a Candlestick maker ! The 'Grown-Ups' all had a part to play, as they butchered and dismantled a career and cooked up ways using hidden ingredients to take a life apart......but we can and should, all be Candlestick makers for it is them that really hold the power. We can all create something strong to support a bright light and help it to shine again.
Keep shining brightly my friend.....the truth is out there....and we believe in you xx Laura L
12/03/2018 10:02 Dear Pepe, I have wanted to write for some time but feel the time is now right. I have been interested to follow this blog and all the comments on it. I followed some of the negative press and social media back in Dec 2015 and was left feeling confused and helpless, too frightened to speak out. I hated reading much of the vile gossip which was actually made up of a small group. It definitely didn’t reflect mine of my children’s experiences of you. I spent a lot of time in the school helping at events and always found you caring, compassionate and fun. My children adored you and still speak fondly of you. The staff always appeared happy, relaxed and well supported, not intimated and scared as some later suggested. Anyway this is all based on my experiences and my opinions, let’s look at the facts.
- My children used to love school when you were head, they don’t anymore - FACT
- Trinity under your leadership was outstanding in Ofsted and church inspections at least 4 times. Now the school (for the last two years) has been a school that requires improvement FACT
- Under your leadership Trinity was in top 10% of the country for best performing school. Now the school sits at the bottom of the league table in BANES - FACT
- weeks after suing an NUT teacher, the NUT refer you over a year after you left the school.
These comments are not hearsay or gossip, they are facts. It seems that sadly Radstock lost the best thing it could have had. An inspirational, passionate, hard working and loving head teacher. I for one wish I could turn back time and be brave enough to tell those that attended the secret NUT meeting and set up the Facebook campaign that they were about to destroy something very special.
I am sorry we lost you from our school that used to be a beacon. I hope you carry on ‘Making people feel good’ and touching the lives of so many. We will never forget you Mrs Hart. Xxxx Parent and Radstock resident
Another thought provoking read. Thank you Pepe for your kind words. I will always take the bus with you. Bus rides with you are the most fun! Xxxc
Laura L
It would be naive of us as readers to think that even now you are able to write your blog without constraint. 'They'....whoever 'they' may be, and I have no doubt that 'they' will be reading it too...
I have had the privilege to have known Pepe for many years. If ever there was a person born to teach then it is her. It is truly shameful what she has had to endure over the last few months.